Praktyki Zawodowe | Paid Work - OPUS 6 i 9; OPUS Working Holiday 12 i 17

Cena programu

OPUS 6 - 7460 AUD; OPUS 9 - 9230 AUD; OPUS Working Holiday 12 - 4260 AUD; OPUS Working Holiday 17 - 5780 AUD

Cena zawiera

Intensive English: 6 months + 3 guaranteed job interviews
Potential to work up to 4 months of part-time paid work
Intensive English: 9 months + 3 guaranteed job interviews
Potential to work up to 7 months of part-time paid work
OPUS Working Holiday
Study English from 12-17 weeks + 3 guaranteed job interviews.
While every attempt is made to place students, we can guarantee three job interviews but not a job placement.


Terminy rozpoczęcia

Jan 3; Mar 19; Apr 10; Jun 18; Sep 24; Oct 15